lire en français
a series of events presented by

François Noudelmann
Philosopher | France

© David Ignaszewski
François Noudelmann is a professor at Paris VIII University. He is the author of several books on critical genealogy and elaborates a philosophy of family likeness. As a producer for French radio France-Culture, he is also committed to promoting sound cultures.
His last book Le Toucher des philosophes. Sartre, Nietzsche et Barthes au piano ("The Touch of Philosophers: Sartre, Nietzsche and Barthes at the Piano")(to be translated and published by Columbia University Press in December) makes the musical dimension of thought heard. His next book, Les Airs de famille, une philosophie des affinités ("Family Likeness, a philosophy of affinities") (Gallimard) will be published in February.
His last book Le Toucher des philosophes. Sartre, Nietzsche et Barthes au piano ("The Touch of Philosophers: Sartre, Nietzsche and Barthes at the Piano")(to be translated and published by Columbia University Press in December) makes the musical dimension of thought heard. His next book, Les Airs de famille, une philosophie des affinités ("Family Likeness, a philosophy of affinities") (Gallimard) will be published in February.
François Noudelmann will participate in:
« The Drama of (Dis)affinities », introduction, Saturday, October 22nd, The Invisible Dog Art Center.
« Chords and Discords — Musical Patterns of Affinities », discussion, Tuesday, October 25th, The Cultural Services of the French Embassy.
“We build too many walls and not enough bridges.” Isaac Newton